Sunday, June 20, 2010

Live Like Your Feet Are No Longer Touching the Ground (Part 1 of 2)

I heard recently, and it's by no means uncommon, that the thought of spending eternity worshiping God, perhaps just singing praises to His name forever, sounds rather like a drag. This, coming from Christians, of course, who hope for eternity but feel uncertain about wanting to be there if the "fun" stops in the life we know of in this world.

I want to challenge this thinking face-to-face and totally blow this kind of garbage thinking out of the water. Do I think that this will be the case for all of eternity? No, I think other things will happen in our time with a God who is sooooo above our finiteness and creative ability. Nothing relative to God will ever cease to amaze any of us when we see God face-to-face. Nothing. I am certain that we'l be saying things more like, "Why was I holding on so much to 'that'?! How could I have been so naive? God is so incredibly amazing! I never want to leave His presence and I'm so glad that I don't have to!"

I believe that people who loathe such an idea of eternal worship do so not because it would be such an "eternal letdown"--nothing with God is less than beyond description in greatness--but rather because it's hard to imagine doing something eternally that their heart doesn't want to do now. It's hard to imagine wanting to do any thing in the future that you don't desire to pursue now. If it's so great then, why would it not be so great now? If we do not seek the heart of God today, and want to worship Him as we come to know Him better from time spent with Him, it's no surprise at all to hear words like "boredom" and "wait" used in regards to heaven, or heavenly worship, or God.

Seek His heart today with all your heart, and in so doing, live like your feet are no longer touching the ground.