Monday, June 21, 2010

Live Like Your Feet Are No Longer Touching the Ground (Part 2 of 2)

If you'd have read this article earlier, you'll notice that I broke it down into two parts- primarily because I think it went off to a new topic, though it was very relative. So, if you read part 1, it will help make sense of where we come in at part 2. Enjoy.

You see, as you spend time with God and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, obeying the Lord's commands from Scripture and seeking His will rather than your own, you find that everything dealing with God becomes something that strikes you as if you were a cymbal or gong, and you immediately resonate with the truth in sweet bliss, recognizing and embracing the greatness of God. Singing praise to God comes alive, reading your Bible comes alive, hearing God's word preached and taught comes alive, your passion for both the saved and the lost comes alive, etc. etc. etc.!!! Your joy catches and your love anchors, your faith sets sail and your relationship with God goes places.

Crazy, amazing things will happen when you really walk with God with Him in control. Sins from the past will come to you one day, things you'd thought you forgot--perhaps because all the sin you've been doing in the present has drowned out those things you did not deal with. You'll feel horrible because of the recognition that you need to seek God's forgiveness for these things and that perhaps the matter needs reconciled with the party you injured. Nevertheless, God will make it clear to you what you need to do as you go on your knees before Him, seeking His forgiveness and furtherance. God wants to set us straight. Opportunities will start appearing, and perhaps you'll find yourself facing trials you didn't ever face before--like a car breaking down continually out of the blue; finances going out the window; a deep sense that you need to be greatly generous with your money and yet finding this as a test of faith as this sacrifice may jeopardize your security; you may offer God the blessing of a child, try and conceive, and then find that you lose that child in miscarriage three months later. God so eagerly desires to conform us to the image of His Son--and were we to be conformed completely to His image, how elated we would be!

All sorts of crazy things happen to people who walk with God totally open to doing what He makes clear to do. Still, the depth cannot be found through any other means in this world. It is not easy, and it is a daily conscious effort to seek God's hand in all your matters and to stay close to Him. I write this from personal experience, and no, I am in no way an expert on this--just a person who knows that God is real, His forgiveness is real, and a life that is not simply moral and religious, but deeply personal with God, IS ATTAINABLE. It is in such a path that you will find the Spirit of God making clear to your soul that you ARE a child of God. You will know that He DOES love you and DOES want what's best for you. Prayer will change in time and will not remain the "genie in the bottle" type of praying that people who don't regularly walk with God find themselves doing--"God, heal this...God, I need this...God, I want to know your big picture will for my life...God, make my life comfortable and pain free and give me all that I desire and don't make me sacrifice what I hold dearest..." I think that's what it really boils down to. God is not a genie in the bottle to make your life pain free and successful by age-old definitions of success (money, fame, power, comfort, etc.). He is a God that Has created you to want more in this life than what can be attained from material goods or popularity--He's made everyone to want Him though it knocks our pride to think that we'd need Him.

If you're living this life in your own strength, good luck. You'll need it--and you'll never find what will really make your soul cease from striving for inner peace and deep joy in even the mundane and love that transcends sinful humanity.

"If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." If you need a heart to be alive, you need a heart to live. If you need a brain to be physically alive, you need brain to function. Paul wrote this to the Galatian believers because they had been fooled into thinking that though they came to a relationship with God by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ, they somehow needed to henceforth find God's approval through doing moral acts(which are always in relationship to the Old Testament Law) of righteousness. God honors faith, not works righteousness. He honors people who act in faith and live in faith and seek Him in faith. "Faith without works is dead" says the book of James, and so faith always results in action, yet the action is not done to find God's favor but rather to live as a pleasing, living sacrifice to God as a form of worship. (See Romans 12:1-2) Do you want what I talked about? If you're unsaved, believe that Jesus died and rose again to save you from your sins. You're a sinner and will never make it to heaven in your own power. God doesn't ever say that there's second chances beyond the grave, nor does he work on a weighted scale of good versus bad or person compared to person. Faith alone. Saved but feeling empty or distant from God? Live by faith and do what's right and do what you know you need to do. Spend time with God every day and seek Him to the extent that you're pining after Him. "I will not stop seeking You until I find You--and yet, when I find You, there's no end to the seeking of You, for You are limitless, God, and are the source of all that would make my life the best it could be." It's true, I tell you from my heart, it's true. Pray, seek, obey. Be open to whatever God would want to do with you and I know you will start to live like your feet are no longer touching the ground.