Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Step Closer

I'm writing this short piece to make you think today about what your life reflects (and to make me think about it, too) when it comes to your pursuit of God. I have no flowery introduction for this, but it's just a few things I wrote down a while back that I came across and wanted to put out there.

1. Don't let your view of God replace viewing God. Meaning, don't let what you've perceived God to be be the place where your mind wanders. In genuinely seeking God, we must daily allow Him to alter our view of Him as necessary if we've had wrong conceptions (which can be done for years on end).

2. Don't let your knowledge about God replace knowing God. This can happen often after we can get saved and get accustomed to being children of God. We learn the Bible (not in totality but enough that we feel like we can forever excel on this knowledge), can spit out doctrine, can tell when something's just "not right" when we hear it, and on and on this list goes. Then we get bored. Which is why I say do not let your knowledge about God replace knowing Him. It becomes cold, religious, and spiritually empty when we stop actively seeking to know Him. Don't forget why you should read your Bible and know it well--when you do it to find God and familiarize yourself with the God of the universe in a personal way, knowing Him never grows old.

3. Don't let external worship replace internal worship. It's easy to go through the motions. It's easy to have your favorite hymns. It's even easy to work yourself up emotionally and to enjoy the feelings. It's easy to bow your head in prayer. It's easy to say what you've always said to God. It's hard to mean it. Check your motives. "God, I sing because You are worthy to be praised. I pray because I believe You hear me and honor prayer. I'm emotional because the truth is grabbing. I bow because I mean total honor to You. This is my favorite hymn because the message is genuine." People jump through countless hoops Sunday through Saturday. The Sunday hoops are being the model Christian and doing what model Christians do. Let me tell you this--it doesn't matter what people think. Don't worship because you're being watched by people. Worship because God is the Almighty Creator and you are a lowly creature.

4. Don't let duty replace devotion. Tell people about Jesus because love for God compels you. Go to church because it's a place to worship God with other people. Do right because you value God more than anything else, not because you hope to earn his favor (which you never could do as a human being. It's Jesus' righteousness being charged to your account that would ever make you find favor with God).

5. Don't let what you see replace what you should hope for. Do you really think life is all about pleasure and comfort and being happy and being fit? There's nothing wrong with any of those but that was never where we were meant to focus our attention. Colossians 3:2 "Set your minds on things up, not on things on the earth." Heaven is coming for the believer. Jesus is going to return. Eternity will be here before you and I know it. (I say this to myself, too): Don't concern yourself with things that are here today and gone tomorrow. A blessed life is a by-product of those who fear God and walk in His ways (Psalm 128).

6. Faith cannot be substituted with cautious calculation. Hebrews 11 should give you a fair picture that faith will require trust even when it's difficult to trust. Faith will require risks at times, but to those who step out in faith, they will find that God will be there to catch and uphold them where they cannot and would not have ground to venture out upon. It's the Wylie Coyote scene without the coyote falling. When God leads you to step out in faith, He will see you through even when you don't know what will happen. Faith is trusting in a God who sees in full what I only see in part. He is outside of time and yet functions within time in a very personal way. Don't you think he sees it all from start to finish and knows exactly what will happen? I genuinely believe that faith has more to do with learning to trust God than seeing that faith rewarded.