Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Potential Future Scenario (for me)

I will never forget that last fateful day of my life. The sound of the hospital all abuzz, the sound of doctors talking and seeing my family all around me, a day of sadness as I had to part and yet great joy as I knew where I was going. For hours that seemed as but minutes, my final moments passed by as I said my temporary goodbyes...

I closed my eyes and breathed my last breath of air in the world as I knew it. And then I opened my eyes and breathed in the air that I never knew before. I was in heaven.

Strangely enough, a woman greeted me and began talking to me like we'd known each other forever. I had never met her before. She took me around on a short and incomplete tour in this new place. I was so excited to go and see Jesus and to thank Him for having died for me. My hostess was so kind and gracious to me, and had such an amazing sense of familiarity to her. We kept walking and I saw Jesus in sight. I was so happy, so excited to be here. I thanked her, not even thinking to ask her name. She looked at me with a smile that reminded me of my wife's smile. And then it dawned on me. This was my little girl, and she had been waiting for me all this time. "Dorema?!" I asked with great wonder. "Yes, daddy."

Dear Christian friends, if you have lost a child in miscarriage, remember that this day is coming and we will all be reunited soon. Hold onto what is real and remember that unborn babies are people just like me and you, just not here yet.

"We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, concerning those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve like the rest, who have no hope." (1Thess 4:13 HCSB)

Because of Jesus, we have hope. It is His sacrificial death that covers our sins as we believe on Him--and as those children who cannot exercise saving faith pass on, there is a real and true peace we can have that they rest safely in the arms of Jesus. Praise the Lord.